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Using NetworkConfig to configure the network

Using NetworkConfig to configure the network

NetworkConfig is the main configuration application for CommServer. You can run the NetworkConfig from CommServer directory (default: Menu start -> CAS -> CommServer -> NetworkConfig) or directly using menu in the CommServer Monitor window. CommServer uses XML file (the file is specified in CASOpcDaWrapper.exe.config as the configuration file parameter; see “CommServer configuration file (CASOpcDaWrapper.exe.config)” section (default XML configuration file is: for Windows 2000/XP/2003: c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\CAS\CAS.CommServer\DefaultConfig.xml ; for Windows Vista, 2008, 7: C:\ProgramData\CAS\CAS.CommServer\DefaultConfig.xml )) for initiating a database of connection, protocols, remote station and process values. NetworkConfig module is designed to simplify the edition of this XML file. The whole configuration is divided into two logical sections:

  • Channels

  • Stations

To understand the configuration, please open the default configuration file, which is located in your CommServer directory. Configuration parameters and interface of the NetworkConfig are described in the following topics: