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Model Compiler


This topic describes the default OPC Foundation SDK UA Model Compiler tool, which is used during the model build process.

Model compiler

OPC UA Model Compiler is a tool, which generates classes that implement a UA information model. It is a tool supplied by the OPC Foundation and it is a default compiler in OPC UA Address Space Model Designer. Below there is a description of OPC UA ModelCompiler Command line:

ModelCompiler.exe -d <filepath> -c[g] <filepath> -o[i] <directorypath> [-oe <directorypath>

ModelCompiler.exe -d2 <filepath> -c[g] <filepath> -o[i] <directorypath> [-oe <directorypath>

-? Prints this help text

-d The path to the XML file which contains the UA information model

-d2 The path to the XML file which contains the UA information model. New version of code generator is used (option -stack forces to use -d2 switch)

-c Path to the CSV file which contains unique identifiers for the types defined in the UA information model

-cg Generates the unique identifier CSV file instead of reading it (used instead of the -c option)

-o Output directory (used instead of the -oi and -oe options)

-oi Output directory for the classes used by the server

-oe Output directory for classes that can be used by a client or a server (i.e. datatypes)

-o2 Analogy to –oe but enforces splitting of generated C# files

-id The start identifier




-console The output goes to the standard error output (console) instead of error window


A validator verifies consistency of the model and creates suitable values for optional information. Once the model is validated it can be passed to a generator which creates different types of code or documentation.

See Also