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Test target - introduction

Test target - instructions

The test is run on two computers:

  • Computer #1: name PC1, Windows XP Sp3, Workgroup: MsGroup, IP address:*), CommServer OPC Server is installed

  • Computer #2: name PC2, Windows XP Sp3, Workgroup: MsGroup, IP address:, OPC Viewer is installed

*) The IP addresses may be given by DHCP. If that is the case, you should remember to give a correct IP address (given by a DHCP server) when connecting using the URL address (and not by browsing the network)

Two computers
Figure 1: Two computers

The test is aimed at connecting an OPC client: OPC Viewer (from PC2) to CommServer OPC Server (on PC1). The test assumes that software from CommServer family as well as .Net Framework and OPC Core Components are installed correctly on each computer.

Note Note

The test should be run on an account with administrator privileges (only such an account makes a change of DCOM settings possible). Great caution should be exercised when configuring the DCOM model: an over-restrictive configuration may, among others, deny all users of their permissions to access the operating system and user interface.