Version History |
What's New.
Release Date: January 13, 2016
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The application supports the OPC UA Object Oriented Internet paradigm. To improve adaptability, the application uses open source components available in the mentioned project workspace. Its detailed description is available on-line. |
The main changes and new functionalities are listed below:
Import of the XML documents compliant with the UANodeSet XML schema uses the deliverables developed and maintained in the public domain. Click to see the detailed description.
Embedded OPC UA application configuration editor supports any external plug-in prepared on the basis of the Nuget package. The package code is available as the open source
Updated the code for target .NET Framework 4.6.1. and recent development environment.
Added unit tests and fixed reported errors.
April 21th, 2015
The main changes and new functionalities are listed below:
Import support for XML documents compliant with the UANodeSet XML Schema.
Each OPC UA Server interchanges data with OPC UA Clients engaging the Address Space concept. Address Space instantiated by a server allows publication of the underlying process data in a standard way as a collection of nodes created according to the strictly observed rules. To instantiate the Address Space any reusable OPC UA Server needs a description of it. The OPC UA standard defines a formal definition of the syntax UANodeSet XML Schema. The semantics of a compliant with this schema XML document is explained in this manual: Address Space Interchange XML"
Monday, February 9, 2015
The main changes and new functionalities are listed below:
Build-in model is compliant with Rel 1.02 Specification
Build-in Model Compiler is compliant with the Model Compiler Rel. 1.02.26 included in the OPC Foundation SDK Rel. 1.02.334.6
Embedded compiler validates the model during creation of the Browse view
errors are logged to the Output window and log file
errors are added as nodes to the browse view to be easily recognizable
Improved application instrumentation and by expanding events tracing to the log file
Added Analyzer Device Integration (ADI) model
Synchronized example models with the White-paper: "OPC UA Information Model Deployment"
Friday, May 19, 2011
This is only a bugfix release. The main changes are listed below:
Links to documentation are fixed.
Resolved issue with license installation (information about "wrong hardware key");
Resolved issue with displaying information about license failure.
Monday, April 4, 2011
New Professional edition that includes most of new functionalities is introduced. The Standard edition (containing basic functionalities) is still available
Model Browse View (professional edition feature), which gives a possibility of displaying a model as it "is seen" by a client that browse the server. Browse view gives a user a possibility of easy navigation through the model elements and view real references between them in the way similar to the way, they are shown in OPC UA client. Browse view allows edition of properties and data bindings of the elements
3D visualization of the OPC UA information model (professional edition feature), the designer can use scaling, rotating and change the view point to tailor the display to individual needs. This functionality gives a possibility of easy understanding of the structure and hierarchy of information model
Export of the OPC UA information model (professional edition feature) to the Microsoft Word 2007 file (.docx). This makes the OPC UA Information Model authoring of the help documentation just one click operation. The export feature creates documentation for any node in the model
Improved state machine editor (professional edition feature). This editor simplifies the creation and modification of state machines
Some improvements to the user interface and optimization of model-creation algorithm
Synchronization with OPC Foundation SDK 1.01.326.0
Improved licensing management
Some minor bug fixes and improvements
Friday, January 15, 2010
Synchronization with OPC Foundation SDK 1.01.308.0
Some minor bugfixes and improvements.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tested (as a component of CommServer UA) for Compliance and Interoperability at OPC Interoperability Workshop (2009) in Nuremberg, Germany.
After choosing of the UA Server configuration plugin, the existing configuration file can be chosen
Value of the DefaultValue property is now editable using a complex XML editor. OPC UA Address Space Model Designer supports now the Range and EUTypes properties
Added OPC Core Components as prerequisites for installation. If they have not been installed on a user’s computer previously, they are installed with OPC UA Address Space Model Designer
Application settings can now be reset to built-in, default values using the new Reset button in the Options window
Popular namespaces for OPC UA Types, XML Schema and XML Schema-instance are added to each model file automatically
Synchronization with OPC Foundation SDK 1.01.305.0
OPC Viewer rel. 3.00.02 is a component of the OPC UA Address Space Model Designer 2.10.00
Small improvements and bug fixes
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Code generator (compiler from SDK) settings and path can be configured.
The editor of data bindings, which allow us to configure the server and the bindings between instance nodes in the model and the actual real-time process data sources, has been moved to a separate pane.
Synchronization with OPC Foundation SDK 1.01.301.0.
Small changes to sample configuration.
Some minor bugfixes and improvements.
Monday, Jun 29, 2009
The main changes and new functionalities are listed below:
Possibility of creating the configuration for the OPC UA server is added. This feature is the first step to the "Interoperability without programming" concept. It is possible to create plug-ins for UA Address Space Model Designer, which allow us to configure the server and the bindings between instance nodes in the model and the actual real-time process data sources. Configuration of this functionality (i.e. choosing sources) is available in the "UA Server" menu. A sample plug-in is installed in "My documents\UAAddressSpaceModelDesigner\Sample ". Bindings can be configured inside the instance nodes configuration (objects, variables, properties) as a "Process Bindings" property. What is more, for each instance node many data sources can be configured, so redundancy is available. Currently, an OPC DA client is available as the data source, so any OPC server can be a source of data.
Synchronization with OPC Foundation SDK Stable.
Export of the model to the documentation format file (in the MAML language, based on XML) is added. Now it is possible to export the model to the MAML file and use it in the documentation creation process. To use the "Export" function, select the node, which represents the project, and then choose "To MAML" option from the "File -> Export" menu.
A visual editor of the state machines is available. Now it is possible to easily add new transitions, delete transitions or change causes of the transitions in the particular state machine using graphical editor. The editor can be started after selecting a node, which represents the state machine, and selecting "State Machine Editor" from the "Tools -> Custom Editor" menu.
OPC Viewer is integrated with the UA Address Space Model Designer. It can be started in the Tools menu and used as an OPC DA client configuration tool.
The example boiler model is improved.
Some minor bugfixes and improvements.
Monday, May 15, 2009
The main changes and new functionalities are listed below:
Application main menu includes entries to the planned functionality and allows the user to send comments and requests to OPC UA AS Model Designer development team. Intentionally it is a survey that allows us to harmonize the development priorities with your needs.
Model build is done silently in background (none command window appears) - the whole output from build process is available in a new Output panel
The spelling of the directory that contains sample solution is fixed ("My Douments\UAAddessSpaceModelDesigner\Sample" is changed to "My Douments\UAAddressSpaceModelDesigner\Sample")
Version history is available online
Synchronization with OPC Fundation SDK
Some minor bugfixes and improvements.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
The main changes and new functionalities are listed below:
Explorer-style navigation functionality is added. Now it is possible to use navigation arrows located on the toolbar to view previously visited nodes.
GoTo DataType functionality is added to the context menu of the node. It gives the possibility of navigating to DataType coupled with the selected node.
Coupled Nodes functionality is added. Now, nodes coupled with the selected node (i.e. base types, targets etc. ) appear on the tree. This functionality can by switched on/off in Tools menu.
Sample model solution is installed automatically in "My Documents\UAAddressSpaceModelDesigner\Sample" folder.
Toolbars are now more functional. They can be moved to any side of the application window.
Configuration is moved under Tools menu.
Intelligent book synchronization can be switched on/off in Help menu.
Some minor bugfixes and improvements.
Friday, April 24, 2009
The main changes and new functionalities are listed below:
Node Copy/Cut/Paste functionality is added in node context menu. Now it is possible to copy (cut) node and then paste it into another appropriate node. Copied node is stored as XML text in system clipboard, so it can be pasted to any text editor (this XML is compatible with OPC Foundation UA SDK model definition).
Build functionality is added. Now the model can be built (C# classes are generated from the model) directly from the CAS UA Address Space Model Designer. Try Build option from the Tools menu. What is more , output directory and CSV filename can be configured in properties of each Project (model).
Message which appears when the user tries to load the model as solution is changed. Now it is more informative.
Some minor bugfixes.
Framework 2.0 and Framework 3.0 required.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The main changes and new functionalities are listed below:
Filtering is improved (filtered nodes are hidden instead of marking with another color; when defining the filter, node classes (according to OPC UA specification) can be selected to hide and unhide particular nodes)
Naming convention for namespace prefixes in the XML output document is changed
Many improvements and bugfixes to the internal application engine.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The main changes and new functionalities are listed below:
Built-in types are based on OPC Foundation UA and are read-only now;
Namespace references based on file paths are added;
The main window displays the name of the solution file in the title bar;
Warning about unsaved changes is displayed when the user wants to clear, open or exit;
The issue with namespaces for method parameters is fixed;
The issue with allTopics.xml file is fixed;
Help content changes only if Help Tab is active;
The selected node on the Model tree is always marked;
Friday, February 06, 2009
The main changes and new functionalities are listed below:
Model search functionality is added
Built-in models: Standard Types, Built-In Types, Data Types are replaced by model: UA Defined Types
White characters (like spaces) are removed from names automatically
Some of the unused properties (e.g. Declaration, Description, etc.) are removed
XML namespaces are added to the header of the output model file (now, namespaces are defined once at the beginning of the file)
Some small improvements and bug fixes
Monday, December 08, 2008
OPC Unified Architecture (UA) is the next generation of OPC; one of its biggest improvements is a powerful Address Space and Information Model.
To make the designing of the OPC UA Address Space Model easier, CAS introduces an UA Model Designer, that is a powerful tool, which allows creating, displaying and editing OPC UA models compatible with the OPC Unified Architecture address space concept. What is more, it provides a comprehensive intelligent ebook with smart positioning system providing a context-sensitive help. The tool is created for developers and engineers, for professionals and beginners.